What Our clients say

Rafael got my case thrown out after the preliminary hearing. I was facing a serious felony strike charge, had been arrested, and was even featured on “SBPD on Patrol.” I interviewed a few attorneys after speaking with Rafael. No one was as confident and no one gave me more confidence than Rafael. Rafael and his investigator interviewed witnesses and got statements and got those witnesses to come to court. The DA was unwilling to offer any lesser charge so we had to go forward with a preliminary hearing. At the preliminary hearing Rafael cross examined the DA’s witnesses, made a fool of the alleged victim and after calling witnesses for our side convinced the Judge to HOLD ME NOT TO ANSWER (ie – got the case thrown out) The DA was such an a**hole !!! I can’t thank Rafael enough.
Bill B.
I was charged with conspiracy and attempted murder along with my boyfriend.   I was so scared. Rafael explained to me what would happen and that everything would work out. He told me that if everything I was saying was true that the charges would be dismissed. Rafael and my boyfriend’s lawyer fought our case and after a long and tiring preliminary hearing, both me and my boyfriend were held NOT TO ANSWER, (ie. the case was thrown out). Thanks Rafael.
Heidi L.
I was charged with misdemeanor theft charges from a store. I was so upset and couldn’t believe the DA was even proceeding. The DA was relentless and made us go to trial. Rafael kept me calm before, during, and after the jury trial. The jury voted mostly in favor of NOT GUILTY and the case was ultimately dismissed.
Lynn l.
I was charged with a DUI with injury.   I was angry that I was even being charged. Rafael was never coarse or short with me and he let me vent to him. He told me, “it’s ok to vent here in my office, but in the courtroom you must keep your composure.” It took some time, but thanks to Rafael the case was ultimately dismissed.
Richard R.
I was charged with felony theft charges from a prior employer. Rafael was calm, cool and collected. I was worried the whole time but Rafael assured me that everything would work out. Thanks to him I have my freedom and everyone is happy. Thank you Rafael.
Erica B.
The Santa Barbara DA’s office extradited me from Florida and charged me with perjury counts and commercial burglary. It took some time but thanks to Mr. Amezaga I finally got my hearing. The preliminary hearing took all day and Mr. Amezaga had me testify in front of the Judge. Finally at the end of the day the Judge made her decision and told the DA that there was not enough evidence to hold me to answer. She threw the case out and sent me on my way back to Florida. Thank you Mr. Amezaga for all your help.
Herbert H.
I can’t be happier with Rafael’s representation. I was originally charged with some of the most serious charges a man can be charged with. I was arrested and held with bail of over $100K. I spoke to Rafael the night I was arrested and he went to court with me that first day and got my bail lowered. In the end, all the serious charges were dismissed and it was only a misdemeanor that I pled to. Rafael told me from the beginning that if what I was saying was true, it would only be a misdemeanor. He was right! And although it took time to work out (9 months) it was worth it. Thank you Rafael!
Danny J.
I was charged with two charges: contributing to the delinquency of a minor and providing alcohol to a minor. The charges were bullshit. Rafael was the attorney who took my case to trial after others would not. The jury found me NOT GUILTY all thanks to Rafael. How can I possibly begin to express my gratitude? Thanks for the time you took to help me. I really appreciate it. God Bless you!
Salvador I.
Rafael saved my life! I was facing a serious strike felony charge for an incident that was blown way out of proportion. Rafael kept me calm through out the entire ordeal and explained everything that was going to happen. The DA was unwilling to offer any plea bargain so we had to go to trial. Trial is incredibly nerve racking but in the end the jury found me NOT GUILTY of the felony and serious strike charge and only convicted me of a single count of misdemeanor battery! I know that without Rafael, I would not have the life I have today. Thanks Rafael!
Julian M.
Mr. Amezaga saved me over $50,000! My old tax preparer made some serious mistakes. I went to see Mr. Amezaga to see if there was anything that could be done. He reviewed my prior tax returns and found errors my old tax preparer made regarding real estate losses and Cancellation of Debt Income (1099-C Income). Mr. Amezaga filed amendments to fix those years and saved me a great deal of money. However, because of those errors I was ultimately audited as well. The IRS was claiming I owed them over $33,000 for that year alone! Mr. Amezaga represented me at the audit and I ended up not owing the IRS a single extra dollar. Mr. Amezaga saved me a great deal of time and money and because of himn I now have piece of mind and can rest easy. Thank you Mr. Amezaga!
Everado R.
I was charged with multiple felony theft charges that involved a great deal of money. After two prior attorneys could nothing for me I went to see Rafael. Rafael had a plan right away. He did what no one else could. When it was all said and done the charges were reduced to a misdemeanor. and I was granted probation.
Joe B.
Rafael was such a blessing. I was charged with felony theft charges from a prior business partnership. It made headlines in the local newspapers and I was worried my name would be ruined. Rafael put all my worries to rest and he assured me that all would work out. Thanks to Rafael an arrangement was worked out that allowed me to pay restitution upfront and ultimately I pled no contest to a simple misdemeanor charge. I can’t thank Rafael enough. Rafael, you are a life saver!
Scott C.
I was facing multiple, and I mean like fifteen, counts of domestic violence. I was panicked because I knew I hadn’t done nothin’ but my ex was pushing forward. To top it off I was on probation for a DUI. We went to trial and I was sweating but Rafael was as cool as could be. In the end, the jury found me NOT GUILTY of all 15 counts. I wouldn’t be able to do all that I have done with my life without Rafael having been on my side. Thank you Rafael!
James L.
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